Solar For

Manufacturing & Engineering

Take control of your energy with solar panels for manufacturing & energy companies. 

Solar panels for manufacturing & engineering.

Ample roof space, high energy use and soaring costs are just a few reasons solar panels are an excellent investment for manufacturing and engineering clients. 

As one of the world’s cleanest, most sustainable energy solutions, businesses are increasingly investing in solar power. With money-saving credentials as impressive as the eco-benefits, you’ll soon see why more companies like yours are making the switch.

Our expert team can plan, and install, solar systems from small factories to nationwide operations to meet your energy needs. 

Save money with solar for manufacturing & engineering.

One of the biggest concerns for businesses across the country is ever increasing overheads. A key culprit? Rising energy costs. 

As a result, forward-thinking manufacturers are looking to reduce energy costs. The solution? Solar panels. The initial investment may seem like a high cost to your business. However, once you take the time to assess the numbers, you’ll quickly realise the return on investment makes it worthwhile. 

Generally speaking, the more energy you use, the higher savings you’ll benefit from. So, you can expect to pay back your investment within 9 years and reap the benefits long after. 


Boost business

Solar panels offer businesses the opportunity to not only do good but look good, too. As the government and consumers put pressure on companies to become more sustainable, solar panels are an efficient solution to do exactly that. So, as well as benefiting your bottom line, solar panels may also earn you kudos from business partners, customers, and the local community. 

Tried & tested technology

Solar technology has come a long way in recent years. Today, solar panels are efficient and reliable, generating predictable monthly yields. As more businesses harness the power of solar and reap the benefits, will you be next? 

Solar for manufacturing & engineering with Solar Fast 

Solar Fast prides itself on quality materials, installation, and customer service. We’re committed to offering accessible solutions tailored specifically to your needs. So, if you’re ready to take control of your energy, contact our expert team to discuss your options today.

Why invest in solar panels for your business?

Of course, saving money is reason enough to switch to solar panels. However, investing in renewable energy offers much more. 

Reduce your carbon footprint 

The UK is on the road to Net Zero, and businesses such as manufacturers and engineers can make an impact. With the expectation of minimal pollution from the manufacturing process, solar power is one of the cleanest energy sources globally. So, you can rest easy at night knowing your business is doing its bit for the planet.  

Gain independence from the grid 

When you include a battery storage system with your set-up, you’ll be able to bank energy and power your premises around the clock. So, if your solar set-up can generate all the energy you need, you’ll no longer be reliant on the national grid. Affordable energy generated in-house, what’s not to like? 


If there is one thing a business needs, it's stability. Being in control of your energy supply means that your productivity and profit isn’t affected by supply issues or erratic pricing. Using renewable energy also future proofs your business by cutting your electricity bill and therefore reducing any green levies or taxes that will inevitably be introduced in the coming years. Plus, going green is a very marketable commodity.  

There are 2 types of photovoltaic panels generally used in the UK - monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Without going into too much detail, monocrystalline panels tend to be most popular and widely available. The technology is improving within the industry and Solar Fast supply a half-cell monocrystalline panel that is one of the most efficient products on the market.  


A good installer will ensure the most cost effective panels are part of your system. 

This would be based on the amount of energy you use, how much space you have to install the panels and what kind of panels you opt for. 


Also, it’s best to think of your system as a way to reduce, rather than eradicate, electricity bills. But, regardless of whether your system is large enough to produce most of your energy needs or not, it is certainly a worthwhile investment. 


Even a relatively small, 18 panel system would save a medium sized business (50 - 250 employees) up to £4000 a year at current energy prices. 

While the government has announced a 0% VAT rate on domestic installations, the VAT is still set at 5% for businesses. 

Including batteries in your commercial solar power installation isn’t essential but we would recommend it if the premises are used outside of sunlight hours as, if you are overproducing during the day, this can be stored for later. This means you can continue to save money on your energy even when everyone’s working nights.  


If you don’t want to include a battery in your system, we would recommend speaking to your supplier about a SEG (Smart Energy Guarantee) to sell any excess electricity back into the grid. 

In short, no you don’t, but we will have to add a few caveats to that answer.  


Roof based solar system must not stick out more than 200mm from the roof/wall surface it is mounted on. If the system is on a flat roof, the panels must be less than 1m in height above the highest part of the flat roof excluding any chimneys. They must also be over 1m away from any external edges of the roof.   


If you are lucky enough to have a business in an area of outstanding natural beauty, or land with similar restrictions, then you can’t have anything on a roof slope or wall facing the road. 


New planning rules mean ground-mounted solar arrays of up to nine square metres don’t need planning permission if they are less than 4m tall and you can only have one ground mounted system for each building.

You can indeed but you will need the permission from the landlord and you will still need to comply with any regulations and planning rules attached to the building.  


Most landlords would be delighted with one of their tenants installing a system that reduces the carbon foot-print of their property. 

Yes, yes you do.  


Any kind of change to a listed building has to be okayed by the local council and you will have to make a case for your ‘LBC’ (Listed Building Consent). The advantage you will have is that renewable energy provision is a very compelling argument for improving both the cost and carbon footprint of an old building.  


Panels are also easy to install, remove or replace with minimal disruption to a building. 

Leave it to us!  


We handle planning applications on your behalf as part of the install.  


We will also handle structural surveys. These are required whenever the panels increase the structural load on the roof by 15% or more - which is pretty much all commercial installs.  


Again, we handle this in your name and payment is made outside of your contract. That way, you get to keep the report to use elsewhere if you decide not to continue with the install.  

Start Your Solar Journey.

Get in touch with our friendly & knowledgeable team today for a free, no-obligation quote. You’ll quickly see why Solar Fast is the UK’s award-winning choice for solar panel installation!

Save money on Energy Bills with Solar Panels.

Get your solar panels installed with Solar Fast – we’re a professional and established company with over 21 years experience in the energy industry.

Save 70% on Energy Bills.

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Save £800/yr on Energy.

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