Solar For Homes
Solar Panels For Your Home
Whether you’re entirely new to the idea of domestic solar panels or searching for the perfect provider, you can count on Solar Fast. As energy specialists, we offer a complete service from design and installation to aftercare and support of your solar set-up.
From understanding solar energy to saving money and protecting our planet, stick with us to learn about how solar power can benefit your household.
What are the top 5 benefits of solar panels for your home?
Beyond benefiting your bottom line, solar panels offer a whole lot more. Below are just a handful of the benefits of residential solar panels.

1. It will save you money
When you choose solar panels, you could save up to 80% on your energy bills.
2. It's renewable energy
Unlike fossil fuels, solar power is renewable and infinite. Solar power is available every day globally and will only stop once the sun goes out … in about 4 billion years.
If there is daylight, we can generate power thanks to solar technology.
We are battling an increasingly concerning climate crisis. Investing in solar panels means you’ll sleep better a night knowing you’re doing your bit for the planet.
The best bit? As technology advances, solar panels are becoming more efficient every year!

3. You can store the energy
When you invest in a battery storage system for your solar set-up, you can bank energy to use around the clock.
So, while solar panels require daylight to generate energy, you’ll be accessing that power when the sun sets.
4. You can make money
Speaking of energy storage, you can actually earn money from any excess you don’t use.
Thanks to the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), households can make money by exporting renewable electricity back to the grid.
If your system meets eligibility requirements and you have a smart meter that can provide half-hourly export readings, you’ll qualify for the tariff.

5. Solar Panels are Low Maintenance
Residential solar panels have an impressive life span – with product warranties of 25 years and performance guarantees of 30.
The best bit? Once installed, solar panels require little to no maintenance.
Furthermore, as solar panels are often placed at an angle, the rain will keep your set-up clean by washing away any dirt or dust – maintaining their effectiveness.
So, it turns out rain is good for some things.
Solar Panels For Your Home
Whether you’re entirely new to the idea of domestic solar panels or searching for the perfect provider, you can count on Solar Fast. As energy specialists, we offer a complete service from design and installation to aftercare and support of your solar set-up.
From understanding solar energy to saving money and protecting our planet, stick with us to learn about how solar power can benefit your household.
Mounting solar panels on the roof of your business premises is the most popular option. We can install solar panels on almost any type of roof, including flat roofs. However, solar panels are most effective when placed in direct light. So, this is an essential consideration during installation.
If roof mounted panels aren't viable for some reason, a ground mounted system is the solution. Solar Fast offer several ground mounting systems that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of our valued clients.
Our products come with the following warranties:
Solar panels - 25 years
Inverter - 10 years
Battery - 10 years
Workmanship - 2 years
Learn more about our solar panel warranties.
While there are plenty of reasons to invest in home solar panels, combating the rising cost of living is a primary concern for many customers.
With a residential system from Solar Fast, the average household can save as much as 80% on energy bills.
However, it’s worth considering that potential savings vary on your energy usage.
To learn more on potential savings, it’s best to speak to our expert team.
If you can invest in solar panels, you can expect to break even in as little as nine years.
Home solar panels: The big questions
Cost and savings
- How much could you save? Up to 80% on energy bills.
- Do you offer government grants? Not right now, we’re working on it.
- Are there any financial options for solar panel installations? Yes, we offer solar panels on finance.
- When do I get a return on my investment? An average domestic solar system will pay back in 8 – 10 years.
Solar suitability
- Do solar panels increase your home value? Yes, anywhere between 10 and 25% – click the link for more information.
- Are there different types of solar panels? Yes, here’s the types of solar panels and what’s most efficient.
- Are solar panels environmentally friendly? Solar energy is renewable energy.
- Does roof type matter? All you need is a place that will hold the panels. We can install flat roof solar panels.
- How do I know how many panels I need? All quotes are specific to your needs and home, but you can get a rough idea on how many solar panels you need.
Solar installation
- How long does it take to get installed? It can take less than 7 days. Here’s what you need to know about solar panel installation.
- Are there any warranties? Yes, we offer warranties on all our products – including a 30 year solar panel performance warranty. So you’re in safe hands.
- Do solar panels need maintenance? All solar panels require very little maintenance.
Where can I get solar panels installed?
We’re based in Castleford, but we install domestic solar panels anywhere in the UK. Here’s just a few of those places.
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solar journey
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