DMEGC Solar Panels

About DMEGC Solar​

Here at Solar Fast we believe in offering our customers the very latest, industry leading products on the market. That’s why we source our Tier 1 solar panels from DMEGC solar, one of the world’s top brand PV suppliers.  

The term Tier 1 is an industry standard. Sometimes called ‘Bloomberg Tier 1’ it means that the manufacturer producing the products are reputable, financially solid and reliable.  

DMEGC aren’t just a Tier 1 manufacturer. they are also a EUPD ‘Top Brand PV’ company. EUPD are a European agency dedicated to the improvement of PV solutions and renewable energy. 

As a Solar Fast customer, you can be sure that our DMEGC Solar Panels are some of the best on the market.

DMEGC solar panel

Why are DMGEC Solar panels so good?

  • Super-efficient

Commercially available solar panels for domestic installation are generally between 19% and 24 % efficient. The DMEGC 440W model is at the top end of the range with an efficiency of 22.02% 

The efficiency of a panel refers to amount of light that is cooperated into electricity – to give you a reference point the efficiency rates for fossil fuel are 42% for coal, 52% for natural gas and 45% for oil-fired power generation. 

Our installations use the DMEGC M10 series which, as well as being super-efficient and lightweight, are also stunning to look at with their black-on-black dual glass finish.  

  • Fantastic warranties!  

A whopping 25-year product guarantee PLUS a 30-year performance guarantee. So, DMEGC are promising that your panels will still be producing enough electricity to power your home in 3 decades time!  

FAQs about DMEGC Solar Panels

There are 2 types of photovoltaic cell used in solar panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline.  
Polycrytstalline cells are made of multiple crystals of silicon all mashed together while monocrystalline cells are made with a single crystal – this improves the overall efficiency of the panel.  
In the 440W DMEGC each cell is then split in two, this enables electricity to flow over the surface of the cell more easily which reduces resistance and increases efficiency.  

No, no they do not. No solar panels need bright sunshine to work, daylight is the secret to good, clean renewable energy. Light travels via partials called ‘photons’. These zip through the air and bounce off everything around them, ending up in our eyes, which is how we can see stuff.  
Well, when they hit the silicon crystals in your solar panel, they cause a reaction that generates electricity. The stronger the light, the more electricity is generated.  
So while direct sunlight will produce good results, string, filtered light will do the same.  

The 440W DMGC panels are 22.02% efficient – but what does that mean?  

The efficiency rating in a material used to generate electricity is how much of the original source – that’s oil, gas, coal, sunshine, wind etc.  
To get an idea how solar compares to other methods of generation we have 34% for coal, 40% for natural gas and 37% for oil. While wind turbines come in at around 20% to 40%.  

This doesn’t mean you get 22.02% of 440W though, the rating of a solar panel is what they will produce in direct sunlight with no shading. 

A panel’s efficiency will degrade at 0.5% every year though.

The cells in photovoltaic panels are made from crystals of silicon. These crystals react to photons hitting them and generate electricity – at an efficiency of 22.02%.  
Over the years the silicon degrades, and the efficiency of the energy conversion drops by around 0.5% every 12 months.  This means the panels take between 25 and 30 years to drop below an acceptable efficiency level – but they will continue to generate electricity for years after that.  

Bifacial panels used reflected light, as well as direct light, as they utilise ‘reflective’ surfaces within the panel. While the technology is a little more complicated than that, the basic idea is that the cells are flooded with more light that normal ‘unifacial’ panels. This increases the efficiency of the panel.  

You might find DMEGC solar panels available to order online for roughly £60 per panel. But you’d then have to install them yourself, which can get messy and be quite dangerous if you’re not a qualified installer, very quickly.

We can’t give you an exact price because we quote every single household on a case by case basis. The cost of solar panels depends on:

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