Victoria may be able to see one of the country’s busiest power stations from her garden, but that didn’t stop her and her family looking for a little energy independence.

Fitting 15 panels to their roof, and investing in nearly 10kWh of storage, has given them a fantastic yield, and they barely paid a penny to their energy provider in the first 4 months of having the system.

As well as wanting to save money, another big reason Victoria’s family were looking for when making that initial investment was to take their home into a greener future.

Investing in a solar system means you are saving money every day, improving the saleability of your home AND helping to clean the planet up.

What made you decide to go solar?

‘With raising energy prices, we just thought, let’s have a look at what it costs at the moment’

‘I’m quite ‘eco-conscious’, we’ve done things around the house … so having solar and [producing our own energy was something we wanted to do.’

How are you finding your system?

‘Yeah, really good, obsessed with the App! I’ll be at work and think ‘It’s sunny here at work, what’s it like at home, are we producing solar?’

‘We’ve had it since April and it’s mid-July now … it’s probably covering somewhere between 60 and 70% of our consumption at the moment’

Would you recommend people get solar?

‘If you’ve got that chunk of money, and you want to invest it in something that’s going to benefit you in the short term but benefit the planet and the climate crisis in the long-term now is the right time.’

‘One of my key drivers for doing it was so we could be producing our own energy, be a little bit more self-sufficient, so I think if that’s important to people, it’s a great time to be doing it.